Kamis, 15 September 2011

Pediped Shoes

Until he was get­ting around on his feet rather than his knees, my son only wore shoes on spe­cial occa­sions. In fact, he’s the only bare­foot raga­muf­fin in our big fam­ily photo from last Christ­mas. The soft leather shoes didn’t pro­tect the soles of his feet or help keep him steady, but stiff-soled ten­nis shoes and oxfords were hard to mash his feet into, dif­fi­cult to judge if they fit prop­erly, and seemed to trip him as he clomped around.

For the past month he’s been wear­ing a pair of Pedipeds  Orig­i­nals almost every day. These shoes are flex­i­ble and durable, made with real leather uppers and soles. They’re a step up from softer shoes, pro­vid­ing a bit more struc­ture with a foam pad on the bot­tom and some kind of non-slip magic treat­ment that makes the soles super durable. The uppers, made of Nubuck (suede-like) leather, have suf­fered a bit more wear and tear. They scuff more eas­ily than the soles, but they’re still look­ing pretty good con­sid­er­ing the abuse they’ve taken so far.

Like many pop­u­lar high-end kids’ shoes, the designs are adorable. I’ve been stopped twice in the gro­cery story by grand­mas won­der­ing where they could get a pair for their grand­kids, and even my father-in-law (not exactly Imelda Mar­cos) com­mented on how much he liked the look of them. The soft leather shoes didn’t pro­tect the soles of his feet or help keep him steady, but stiff-soled ten­nis shoes and oxfords were hard to mash his feet into, dif­fi­cult to judge if they fit prop­erly, and seemed to trip him as he clomped around.

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